Sponsorship Opportunities
The Scandinavian Day Festival teams transform the beautiful 25 acres of Vasa Park along the Fox River into our own little corner of Scandinavia for all participants. With your support our Festival will continue to grow and improve! The Festival exists for all of us and needs your support.
Scandinavian Heritage Sponsor $5,000 +
This singular level would provide the sponsor with 10 admission passes, the sponsor business, organization or individual
name and logo listed in the Festival guide, on the Festival website, as well as at the Festival Welcome booth. This level
also provides reserved space near the Festival Stage of two picnic tables for your use. In addition, the Festival Stage
would be renamed for the 41st Annual Festival in exclusive honor of the sponsor. This would be reflected through
signage at the Stage, within the Festival Guide map, and in print and web advertising where the stage would be listed.
1980 Circle: $1,000 - $4,999
This level, named for the first year of the Festival, would provide the sponsor with 6 admission passes, the sponsor
business, organization or individual name and logo listed in the Festival Guide, on the Festival website, and that same
name and logo displayed at the Festival Welcome booth. This level would also provide sponsor name and logo displayed at a
Festival building/area of their choice. The Festival Stage is not part of this sponsorship level.
Oak Sponsor: $500 - $999
This level would provide the sponsor with 4 admission passes, the sponsor business, organization or individual name and
logo listed in the Festival Guide and on the Festival website, and that same name and logo displayed at the Festival
Welcome booth.
River Sponsor: $350 - $499
This level would provide the sponsor with 2 admission passes and the sponsor business, organization or individual name
and logo listed in the Festival Guide and on the Festival website.
Festival Friend: $75 - $349
This level would provide the donor with their business, organization or individual name and website listed in the Festival